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Birth Control

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Latest News Snippets: Birth Control

The (Absurd) $14,000 IUD

KFF Health News reports a woman was billed over $14,000 for an IUD she thought was covered by insurance.

The TikTok Birth Control Trouble

The TikTok birth control content that gets clicks? It’s often about rare side effects or straight up misinformation. 

Why Do We Know So Little About IUDs?

“If there was more research into how different bodies react to IUDs, there’s a chance patients can get the care they need without as drastic of side effects.”

The Women Who Won’t Get IUDs Removed

Delving into the other side of IUD pain – women who have the devices inserted and are so scarred from the experience that they do not want to ever get them removed. 

The Cocktail of Hormones

An essay from Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff on how the birth control pill can work for years, and then suddenly start causing side effects, for unknown reasons.