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Teen Moms Have a 200+% Chance of Dying Young

A study of over 2 million teenagers in Canada found that those who carried a pregnancy to term were more than twice as likely to die before their 31st birthday, even after controlling for pre-existing health conditions and other demographics.

Maternal Mortality May Be *Much* Lower Than We Thought

The United States’ maternal mortality rate is the worst in the world among wealthy countries. But a new analysis of CDC statistics makes the case that the rate is around 10 deaths per 100,000 births—not the nearly 33 deaths per 100,000 births reported around this time last year.

Is There Really a Fertility ‘Cliff’ at 35?

 Thirty-five can be seen as the age that fertility goes way downhill, but the BBC interviews experts who explain that like much of medicine, it’s a spectrum and the best data shows probabilities—not hard cut-offs.

Popular Acne Products Could End Up Becoming Carcinogenic

An independent quality assurance company tested common, popular acne products that contain benzoyl peroxide and found that the chemicals can degrade into benzene, a known carcinogen, at levels far above FDA standards if left on the shelf.

The Idaho OBGYN Desert Is Here

A deep dive on Idaho becoming an “OBGYN desert.” At the end of March, the third labor and delivery unit in the state will close since Roe fell.

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