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Latest News Snippets: Postpartum

Saving the Tiniest Babies

Advances in neonatal care now make it possible to save extremely premature babies, some born as early as 22 weeks.

Medicare and Medicaid in Oz

Donald Trump has nominated Dr. Mehmet Oz to lead Medicare and Medicaid–the country’s massive health insurance programs for the elderly and lower-income adults and children.

Maternity Wards Have a Money Problem

a deep dive on why hospitals are closing OBGYN units throughout the country, and the answer isn’t the fall of Roe making obstetrical care legally dangerous. It’s far simpler than that: money.

Maternal Mortality May Be *Much* Lower Than We Thought

The United States’ maternal mortality rate is the worst in the world among wealthy countries. But a new analysis of CDC statistics makes the case that the rate is around 10 deaths per 100,000 births—not the nearly 33 deaths per 100,000 births reported around this time last year.

Tackling That NYT Tongue Tie Article

Emily Oster, the author of Expecting Better, takes on the New York Times’ recent reporting on procedures to address tongue ties in infants, aka frenotomies.