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3D Mammograms More Effective Than Traditional in Large Study

What: A study from Yale School of Medicine shows 3D mammography found cancer at higher rates than traditional mammography—and the screenings were less likely to return false positives, too. The 3D mammography, officially known as digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) takes X-rays from multiple angles to create a 3D image, versus just one or two angles used in traditional mammography. The study analyzed more than 270,000 screenings over 13 years.

Why it matters: “It confirms some of what we knew from earlier … and shows the sustainability of these benefits,” [lead co-author Dr. Liane] Philpotts told ABC News. “But the big take-home point is that the advanced cancer rate was less [with 3D mammography]. That is the most significant finding from this.”

Source: ABC News

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