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Abortion Funds Struggling to Keep Up with Travel Costs, Demands

What: Groups that help cover the cost of abortions and the travel required to leave abortion ban states say they are limiting expenditures “as travel costs rise and the wave of ‘rage giving’ that fueled them two years ago has subsided.”

Why it matters: “Cobalt, for instance, spent $206,000 in 2021. Of that, only about $6,000 was for travel costs — and much of that came in the form of gas cards to help people in outlying parts of Colorado get to clinics. This year, the group expects to spend $2.2 million — 10 times as much as in 2021. In the first six months of this year, it spent more than $600,000 on travel and other logistical costs. Now they’re booking hotel rooms and flights — mostly on short notice. ‘We’re a travel agency as much as we’re an abortion fund,’ Middleton said.”

Source: AP via ABC News (

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