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Abortion Pill Requests Skyrocket with Trump’s Election

What: The Guardian reports that requests for the abortion pill skyrocketed after Trump was elected on Tuesday, with one organization getting requests for 5,000 pills in less than 12 hours. They typically ship 9,000 pills in an entire month.

Key line: “The scenario repeated itself across the country as news of Trump’s victory broke, with women’s and trans health providers getting inundated with requests for services that their patients feared might be banned in a Trump administration. The telehealth service Wisp saw a 300% increase in requests for emergency contraception; the abortion pill finder site Plan C saw a 625% increase in traffic. ‘Clearly, people are trying to plan for the reproductive apocalypse that we anticipate will be happening under a Trump presidency,’ said Elisa Wells, the co-founder of Plan C.”

Source: The Guardian //

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