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FDA Approves First Menstrual Blood Health Test

What: The FDA approved a pad from Qvin that doubles as a way to test the blood. The pad includes a removable strip that can be sent to a lab for analysis.

Why it matters: The pad is designed to help measure blood sugar averages over three months, to aid in diabetes management.

SourceFemTech Insider

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Ten Years on the Fertility Cycle

Writer Lisa McCarty tells her arduous, ten-year journey to having two children. It included four embryo transfers and four miscarriages.

What to Expect When You’re (Over 40)

I think that most women remember, and may even still have that book on their shelves, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. …Well, there’s no equivalent of that for women over 40. I wrote this book saying to myself, how about what to expect when you expect to live past 40?