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History of Endometriosis and Fibroids Linked to Heightened Risk of Early Death

What: A BMJ study found among 110,000+ women that those with endometriosis or uterine fibroids had a higher risk of premature death compared to women without these conditions. The increased risk was particularly linked to gynecological cancers, suggesting that these conditions may require more intensive long-term health monitoring. The findings highlight the need for awareness and proactive care for women with these diagnoses.

Key line: “After taking account of age and other confounding factors such as weight (BMI), diet quality, physical activity, and smoking status, endometriosis was associated with a 31% higher risk of premature death, largely driven by deaths due to gynaecological cancers. Uterine fibroids were unrelated to all-cause premature death, but were associated with a greater risk of death due to gynaecological cancers.”

Source: British Medical Journal //

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