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How Trump Talks About Abortion Bans, By the Numbers

What: The New York Times analyzed over 600 speeches (!!!) from Donald Trump on abortion and shows visually just how much his rhetoric has changed. Trump has been clearly trying to distance himself from his enthusiastic pro-abortion ban positions after the real life-and-death consequences hit for women.

Key line: “After the Dobbs decision overturning the right to abortion in 2022, Mr. Trump often celebrated his role in it: ‘If you look at what we’ve done with Roe v. Wade, we did something that everyone said couldn’t be done, and we got it done.’ …During this campaign, though, he has sent mixed messages. At first, he said he would support a Florida measure expanding abortion access, then said he wouldn’t. He said he wouldn’t restrict access to abortion pills, then said he was open to it.”

Source: New York Times //

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