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Long-Acting Birth Control and Coercion

What: A deep dive from Time magazine’s Alana Semuels looks at the use of long-acting contraceptives, such as IUDs and implants, and the women who say they were pressured into using them—and then had a difficult time getting them removed or reversed when they wanted to have children again.

Why it matters: Semuels writes that her reporting “found that doctors are disproportionately likely to push these contraceptives when treating Black, Latina, young, and low-income women, or to refuse to remove them when requested. This pattern, reproductive-justice experts say, reflects the race and class biases plaguing the U.S. medical system and extends a sordid and long-standing history of America’s attempts to engineer who reproduces.”


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The (Absurd) $14,000 IUD

KFF Health News reports a woman was billed over $14,000 for an IUD she thought was covered by insurance.