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Louisiana Hospital Staff are Sprinting (Literally) to Get Drugs Needed for Miscarriages

What: Staff in Louisiana hospitals “are doing timed drills, sprinting from patient rooms and through halls to the locked medicine closets where the drugs used for abortions, incomplete miscarriages and postpartum hemorrhaging will have to be kept — as newly categorized controlled substances — starting Oct. 1.”

Why it matters: “’It adds a few minutes,’ Jennifer Avegno, director of the New Orleans Health Department, said of the looming restrictions. ‘Most patients would likely make it. But I’ve seen myself what can happen when someone is bleeding out from a miscarriage. And a few minutes could mean life and death in some cases.’”

Source: Washington Post

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The (Absurd) $14,000 IUD

KFF Health News reports a woman was billed over $14,000 for an IUD she thought was covered by insurance.