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Menopause Needs More Attention, And Sometimes, Medicine

What: Dr Nadia El-Awady, the medical editor for UK Medscape, offers another take on the Lancet’s menopause edition, saying the focus on “over-medicalization” is unhelpful. “In the UK, and thanks to much-needed recent media attention, menopause is finally becoming a topic of public discussion. Women are more aware that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not as risky as we were led to believe in the early 2000s, and that it can, where needed, provide relief from difficult symptoms. But we are only just beginning to get easier access to HRT.”

Why it matters: She makes an excellent point – “Certainly, many women can and do manage their menopausal transition without healthcare support. …But there are many women who, no matter what amount of exercise, healthy food, and positive attitude towards ageing that they have, will still face significant challenges.”

Source: Medscape

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