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North Carolina GOP Gov. Candidate: Reserve Sex for Procreation

What: The latest from North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson: “’You don’t lay down and act like you’re making a baby til you’re ready to have a baby,’ he declared in a video first published by HuffPost. He explicitly sneered at the idea of birth control. ‘You don’t have what you do to make a baby until you’re ready to have that baby.’ He followed up by insisting the only way to be ‘responsible with your body’ is to reserve sex for procreation.”

Why it matters: The future Donald Trump administration’s Project 2025 “contains radical schemes to drastically restrict — and eventually outright ban — female-controlled contraception methods. This is why Republicans in Congress continue to block efforts to enshrine contraception rights into law.” Robinson—a major candidate in the party—is saying out loud what many Trump officials seem to believe.

Source: Salon

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