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Number of US Abortions Fell by Only 2% After Wave of State Bans, CDC Report Reveals

What: Despite state-level abortion bans following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the number of abortions performed in the U.S. decreased by only 2% that year, according to a CDC report. Researchers found over 613,000 abortions were conducted in 2022, a slight drop from nearly 626,000 in 2021. This suggests the increased availability of abortion pills among other measures have helped maintain overall abortion numbers.

Key line: “The CDC report also does not include data on abortions performed outside of the US healthcare system. Past research has indicated that, in the six months after Roe fell, roughly 26,000 more Americans used pills to induce their own at-home abortions than would have done so if Roe had not collapsed.”

Source: The Guardian //

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