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Republican Officials Would Rather Women Die Than Terminate Pregnancies

What: A searing overview from Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern of Republican state officials denying women who face medical danger abortion access. I can’t say it better than they do:

“The stories of Kate Cox in Texas, devastated would-be mothers in Tennessee, and a horrifying prosecution of a mother who miscarried in Ohio all surface the brutal reality of the post-Dobbs zeitgeist: Any woman who seeks to terminate a pregnancy is wicked, any woman who miscarries is evil, and any woman who—for reasons of failing health, circumstance, or simple bad luck—does not prove to be an adequate incubator deserves whatever she gets. Every unborn fetus is the priority over the pregnant person carrying it and must be carried to term at all costs.”

Why it matters: Ditto to the above.


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The (Absurd) $14,000 IUD

KFF Health News reports a woman was billed over $14,000 for an IUD she thought was covered by insurance.