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Should Smart Rings Really Be Used as Birth Control?

What: Scientific American looks at rising use of wearable tech like Oura rings and Apple watches to track periods, reporting that “reproductive health specialists have been regarding smart rings with caution. Other contraception methods, such as intrauterine devices, are widely considered more effective than cycle tracking, particularly for people with irregular periods. Natural Cycles claims its product is 93 percent effective as birth control with typical use. When used perfectly, its efficacy purportedly rises to 98 percent. By comparison, fewer than 1 percent of intrauterine device (IUD) users will get pregnant in a year.”

Why it matters: “It’s an open question whether skin temperature, as measured by smart rings, accurately reflects the core body temperature changes correlated to the menstrual cycle. Thermometers are historically among the least accurate sensors on most wearable devices, says Trisha Andrew, who directs the Wearable Electronics Lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.”

Source: Scientific American

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