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The Year Birth Control Pills (Finally) Get Way Easier to Get

What: Big changes are coming to birth control this year, CNN reports, including a pill that will be available without a prescription. That medication, known as Opill, is expected to hit shelves by March of this year. And several states had new laws take effect allowing pharmacists to prescribe birth control pills at the start of this year.

Why it matters: This could greatly expand access to safe, reliable birth control, which is especially important as conservative states restrict abortion access.


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How to Avoid Bad Botox

It’s not just about avoiding counterfeits, providers need training to know where the forehead artery is, for example, or how to treat potential complications.

What to Expect When You’re (Over 40)

I think that most women remember, and may even still have that book on their shelves, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. …Well, there’s no equivalent of that for women over 40. I wrote this book saying to myself, how about what to expect when you expect to live past 40?