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Trump and Vance Plan Could Make Pregnancy Pre-Existing Condition

What: Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, recently said the ticket wants to change regulations in a way that would bring back health insurers denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, including…pregnancy. As Shefali Luthra reports: “The proposal — based on the few details Trump and Vance have offered — could particularly affect people who can become pregnant. Before the Affordable Care Act took effect, health insurance plans were not required to cover pregnancy-related health care, which can be incredibly expensive, involving multiple doctors’ visits, medical tests, and labor and delivery itself.”

Why it matters: “’What JD Vance is talking about is a very substantive change that would be a complete replacement of the ACA, and would look much more similar to what coverage looked like before,’ said Cynthia Cox, a vice president at KFF, a nonprofit health policy research, polling and journalism organization.”

Source: The 19th

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