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Vanishing Twin Syndrome: ‘Shrouded in Mystery’

What: An essay from Eleanor Barker-White on experiencing “vanishing twin syndrome”, when one fetus is absorbed by the other in the womb.

Why it matters: Barker-White puts into words how so many things can feel when pregnant, writing that “medical professionals dismissed the syndrome as ‘one of those things.’ There is nothing that can be done to prevent or treat the condition. Whispers between similar grief-stricken, guilt-ridden parents on parenting and fertility forums showed that it was a relatively common phenomenon, yet the syndrome was still shrouded in mystery.”


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Maternity Wards Have a Money Problem

a deep dive on why hospitals are closing OBGYN units throughout the country, and the answer isn’t the fall of Roe making obstetrical care legally dangerous. It’s far simpler than that: money.

What to Expect When You’re (Over 40)

I think that most women remember, and may even still have that book on their shelves, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. …Well, there’s no equivalent of that for women over 40. I wrote this book saying to myself, how about what to expect when you expect to live past 40?

How to Avoid Bad Botox

It’s not just about avoiding counterfeits, providers need training to know where the forehead artery is, for example, or how to treat potential complications.