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What to Expect When You’re (Over 40)

What: OBGYN Sharon Malone explains to WBUR why she wrote her book, Grown Woman Talk: Your Guide to Getting and Staying Healthy: “I think that most women remember, and may even still have that book on their shelves, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. …Well, there’s no equivalent of that for women over 40. I wrote this book saying to myself, how about what to expect when you expect to live past 40? And I wrote it from the very beginning of explaining how to evaluate a medical system that has changed dramatically in the past 20 years. It is more confusing. The system is Byzantine. And I think even for the smartest of people, it is hard to figure out how to navigate the system.”

Why it matters: Malone is right – it is hard to figure out the system. She also details how research on women is way behind (but catching up).

Source: WBUR

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