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You Can Use the Breast Cancer Risk Tool that Helped Olivia Munn

What: Actress Olivia Munn announced that she had a mastectomy after unexpectedly getting diagnosed with breast cancer at age 43. Munn said she had no symptoms, and her mammogram was clear. But her doctor had her get more intensive screening, such as an MRI, because her score on a breast cancer risk assessment test was above 30%. Without that screening, Munn says she likely wouldn’t have caught the cancer until a year later.

Why it matters: You can plug your own information in to the risk assessment calculator here. Keep in mind that it’s giving you probabilities, not hard numbers, and it is recommended to consider along with a doctor.


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The (Absurd) $14,000 IUD

KFF Health News reports a woman was billed over $14,000 for an IUD she thought was covered by insurance.